SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2024Community members of all ages will enjoy a Day of Activities
- Fun and Educational Activities for Kids
- Financial Education Workshops w/Topics such as Identity Theft
- Retirement and Credit
- Financial Resources
- Entrepreneurship Workshops
Brought to you by Prince George’s CASH Campaign (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope)
Presented by the Partners of PG Cash
America Saves/Prince George’s Saves
Callive LLC
CASH Campaign of Maryland
CCCSMD Consumer Credit Counseling Service
Democracy Federal Credit Union
Educational Systems FCU
Financial Education for Life
Financial Empowerment Center at PGCC
Galilee CDC
Gethsemane United Methodist Church
Presented by the Partners of PG Cash
Housing Options & Planning Enterprises, Inc
Internal Revenue Service
Ivy Comunity Charities of Prince George’s County
Latino Economic Development Center
Educational Systems FCU
Operation Hope
PNC Bank
Prince George’s Community FCU
United Way NCA
Wealth for the Righteous Resource Center